Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Beginning

Here I am just sitting in my room with a hot cup of cocoa thinking, "What in the world am I going to write about in my first post?". I thought and I thought, and then finally I decided to write about why I even want to start this blog, and what makes me different form the thousands of other blogs on the internet.
For me this blog is all about expressing my thoughts and showing people that I am more then just this shy little girl from a city called Brampton. My goal with this blog is to be able to put a smile on peoples faces, and to be able to give advice on everything, from fashion, to cooking, to living a better life, and just everything in general.
Now I know you must be thinking,"well this girl is just all over the place!" and I totally agree with you.
When I first thought about starting this blog, my only goal was to talk about fashion and show you guys my style and possibly help you find yours. I wanted to inspire people, but I also wanted to be inspired.
Then when I actually created this blog, I thought "I have way more to talk about then just fashion" now as you can see, I am going to be talking about everything that I possible can.
Every Sunday my goal is to post a blog about a different topic...
However, since this post wasn't really anything special, I am going to be posting another post on Tuesday, so definitely be on the lookout for that.
I am really excited to be doing this, for me this feels like a new beginning and I feel like I have found what makes me happy.
So come and join me on this journey, and let's make a change in each others lives.


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