Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Well hello there, you lovely people!

Wow what a year this has been...

2015 has been one hell of a ride, but I can easily say that this year was actually a pretty good year for me... I mean obviously I did go through my fair share of hell, but I feel like I have grown a lot as a person.

2015 review:

  • I lost a bunch of friends, but I met some pretty amazing people whom I now consider family
  • I joined my schools rugby team (what was I thinking?!)
  • I got asked to prom (shocker!)
  • I learned how to fish (well...kinda)
  • I graduated high school
  • I started university 
  • I got my first tattoo (badass much?)
  • But most importantly I started to become confident in myself
I have suffered from low self-esteem issues, but now I feel like I am slowly becoming this confident woman, and I couldn't be more proud of myself.

I'm not perfect in any way, but i've learned that in order for me to get anywhere in life, I have to start believing in myself and I have to love who I am.

It's hard to love yourself when we live in a society that teaches girls/boys to wish they looked like someone they're not. 

One of my goals in life is to somehow make people feel confident with who they are. This may sound cliché, but I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way and no one should be judged based on their looks alone.

If you ask any of my friends, they'll most likely tell you that I'm one of the most sarcastic people they've ever met, but hopefully they can also tell you that I have a good heart and that I bring out the best in them.

If you put my sarcasm aside, I actually do have a good heart and I want nothing but to make people around me feel comfortable and bring out the best in them. 

One of my biggest goals for 2016 is to spread positivity and hopefully help people who are going through a dark phase in their life.

Depression, body image issues, or anything of such sort isn't a joke, and I hope that anyone suffering can somehow find way to get through it and live their life surrounded with happiness.

I 100% believe that you need to surround yourself with people who bring out the good in you in order for you to actually grow as a person...

Ever since I started hanging around my new group of friends, I have become a different person and I am happy with the person that I am becoming. 

Surround yourself with positive people and you're life will become a much better place.

On a lighter note, I am soooo happy to leave this year behind and start a whole new journey in 2016...this year is going to amazing, I can just feel it. 

I have so many things planned for 2016, and I want you guys to join me on this journey!

I hope you guys have a rockin' New year's eve ;), party hard but please stay safe! 

2016 is going to be our year...I hope you achieve all your goals, and that 2016 brings nothing but happiness for all of you! 

Comment down below what your goals are for 2016, or tell me what you thought about this post...
if you want.  

Much love,
Instagram: adibaghauri
Snapchat: elenaghauri
Twitter:  adibaghauri

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